AS/NZS 1428.4.1:2009 – Design for Access and Mobility – Part 4.1: Tactile Ground Surface Indicators.
Clicking here will offer a PDF download of a DRAFT copy of the standard - updating the 2002 version to the current 2009 version. All main principles are the same as the current standard. However, if you want a current official copy, it is available from the Standards Australia Store for $223.32 AUD.

Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) – National Construction Code.
Clicking here will take you to the ABCB website - Vol 1, Part D3, Access for people with a disability (requires free registration). Scrolling almost to the bottom of the page, you will see section D3.8 Tactile Indicators - this (and the exemptions in section D3.4) are the only reference to Tactile Indicators in this extensive three volume code. These two sections are paraphrased at the bottom of this page, on our website.